Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik 2024-04-30T14:16:07+07:00 Paulina Maria Ekasari Wahyuningrum Open Journal Systems <div style="border: 3px #086338 Dashed; padding: 10px; background-color: #fccc00; text-align: left;"> <ol> <li><strong>Journal Title</strong>: Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik</li> <li><strong>Initials</strong>: Sepakat</li> <li><strong>Frequency</strong>: Mei dan September</li> <li><strong>Print ISSN</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2301-4032</a></li> <li><strong>Online ISSN</strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2541-0881</a></li> <li><strong>Editor in Chief</strong>: Fransiskus Janu Hamu</li> <li><strong>DOI</strong>: 10.58374</li> <li><strong>Publisher</strong>: Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Tahasak Danum Pambelum Keuskupan Palangkaraya</li> </ol> </div> <p style="text-align: left;"><img style="margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 15px; box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px gray; float: left;" src="" alt="" width="173" height="243" /></p> <div> <p style="text-align: justify;"><!-- ######## This is a comment ######## --></p> <!-- ######## This is a comment ######## --> <!-- ######## This is a comment ######## --> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik</strong>, adalah jurnal cetak dan online Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Tahasak Danum Pambelum Keuskupan Palangkaraya yang telah memiliki Nomor E-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2541-0881</a> dan P-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2301-4032</a>. Jurnal ini terbit setiap bulan <strong>Mei dan September</strong>. Artikel yang dimuat adalah adalah artikel yang bertemakan pendidikan agama, katekese, pastoral dan merupakan hasil penelitian atau studi pustaka, terutama dari para dosen, alumni dan mahasiswa baik dari lingkungan kampus maupun dari luar kampus STIPAS.</p> </div> <div> <p><strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Indexed by:</strong></p> <table style="height: 133px;" width="688"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 132.275px;"><a href=";user=C4N6wz4AAAAJ&amp;view_op=list_works&amp;authuser=1&amp;gmla=AJsN-F4B6d7QL14SIuJZqsdi8p3rtWn4X9N2AUhoP3-YCbCJ1whl5AcpFe9xadl2yIwNn4u6P_xxC_7_ppM5qffkOqHsOLaOon6vha9CMZbjxyQQMejCykk" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="1536" height="576" /></a></td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="480" /></td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"><a href=";lang=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a></td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.3px;"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.3px;"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> Motivasi Beriman Katolik Bagi Katekumen Di Paroki Katedral Santa Maria Palangka Raya 2023-09-11T15:35:00+07:00 Kara Agustri Silvester Adinuhgra Paulina Maria Ekasari Wahyuningrum <p><em>This study aims to describe the motivations of the Catholic faithful for catechumens at the Santa Maria Cathedral Parish of Palangka Raya. This research is based on the researcher's interest in the reality that the catechumens of the Palangka Raya cathedral parish come from various religions. This fact inspired researchers to find out more deeply what motivated them to become Catholics.</em></p> <p><em>This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. This research was conducted on May 25 – June 10, 2023. The research data was obtained using the interview method which was carried out together with 8 catechumens, 1 priest, 3 catechists or accompanying pastoral officers for catechumens. The data obtained was analyzed using the "Miles and Hubberman" analysis method, which was divided into three stages, namely reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results of the research, it can be interpreted that the motivation of the Catholic faithful for the Catechumens at the Santa Maria Cathedral Parish in Palangka Raya really comes from a sincere intention because they experience various experiences of the Christian faith that are truly real in their lives. So, they became Catholics not out of compulsion, so that even though they experienced various challenges during the catechumenate process, they remained strong and convinced of their vocation to become Catholics.</em></p> 2023-09-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik Pendampingan Pastoral Orang Sakit Di Paroki Santa Maria Immaculata Wayun Palu Rejo 2023-09-11T15:49:24+07:00 Prosper Derico Antonio Gepa Silvester Adinuhgra Paulina Maria Ekasari Wahyuningrum <p><em>This study aims to describe the Pastoral Assistance of the Sick in Santa Maria Immaculata Wayun Palu Rejo Parish. This research departs from efforts and forms of pastoral care for others who are suffering from illness. The Church as God's people becomes an intermediary that presents the faith encounter of the sick with God, through pastoral care for the sick. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach to provide an in-depth description of the pastoral care for the sick at Santa Maria Immaculata Wayun Palu Rejo Parish. The data in this study were collected using the interview method which was conducted together with 4 neighborhood leaders, 3 sick people's families, 2 categorical groups, 1 nurse and 1 priest. Furthermore, the data obtained was then analyzed using the "Miles and Huberman" analysis method, which was divided into three levels, namely reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that pastoral care for the sick at Santa Maria Immaculata Parish Wayun Palu Rejo has been running and implemented but it can be said that it has not been very effective. This conclusion is based on the statement of an informant who revealed that there are still people who do not have awareness about pastoral care for sick people and there are still families of sick people who believe in supernatural things and traditional healers to cure illnesses.</em></p> 2023-09-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik Penerapan Nilai - Nilai Kebudayaan Terhadap Partisipasi Umat Dalam Perayaan Ekaristi Di Paroki Santa Maria Immaculata Wayun Palu- Rejo 2023-09-11T16:43:00+07:00 Pebi Anggreini Silvester Adinuhgra Agnes Angi Dian Winei <p><em>This research examines the application of cultural values towards the participation of the congregation in the Eucharistic celebration at the Parish of Santa Maria Immaculata Wayun Palu-Rejo, located in the district of South Barito, Central Kalimantan. The parish exemplifies unity and tolerance among the faithful from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds who participate in the Eucharistic celebration and other pastoral activities. A qualitative research method was employed, gathering data through interviews with 8 members of the congregation and 3 parish officials. The data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman's analysis method. The results of the study indicate that the congregation of the Parish of Santa Maria Immaculata Wayun Palu-Rejo has applied cultural values in their participation during the Eucharistic celebrations. The use of language, music, dance, and traditional attire is evident in the Inculturation Mass and other Eucharistic celebrations. The spirit of mutual cooperation, empathy, and care for fellow believers also influences the congregation's participation in the Eucharistic celebration. Pastoral efforts and catechesis conducted by the priests and parish officials play a vital role in encouraging the congregation to appreciate and apply cultural values in church activities. The priests convey messages and advice on the importance of cultural values during sermons and socialization. The Inculturation Mass serves as one of the initiatives to incorporate cultural values into the Eucharistic celebration. In conclusion, the application of cultural values significantly affects the participation of the congregation in the Eucharistic celebration at the Parish of Santa Maria Immaculata Wayun Palu-Rejo. Pastoral efforts and catechesis by the priests and church officials help raise awareness among the congregation regarding the significance of culture in religious life. Culture and congregation participation in the Eucharistic celebration are interconnected and require cooperation between church officials and the congregation. A suggestion for further research is to gain a deeper understanding and analyze the impact of cultural values on the participation of the congregation in other aspects of church life. Additionally, involving other ethnic groups in the study would provide a more comprehensive overview of the cultural diversity in this parish.</em></p> 2023-09-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik Korelasi PBL Dengan Keterampilan Berpikir Siswa Kelas X Tentang Kesetaraan Gender Di SMAN 4 Palangka Raya 2023-09-12T14:29:31+07:00 Patricia Angelina Paulina Maria Ekasari Wahyuningrum Silvester Adinuhgra <p><em>This study aims to identify and describe the relationship between the Problem-Based Learning learning model and students' critical thinking skills at SMA Negeri 4 Palangka Raya. The formulation of the research problem is whether there is a relationship between the problem-based learning model and critical thinking skills about gender equality in class X students at SMAN 4 Palangka Raya; how big is the relationship between problem-based learning models and critical thinking skills about gender equality in students of SMAN 4 Palangka Raya; and what is the perception of students of SMAN 4 Palangka Raya on the effectiveness of the problem-based learning model in improving critical thinking skills about gender equality.</em></p> <p><em>The research approach uses a quantitative approach to this type of correlational research. Respondents to this study were 18 class X class Catholic students at SMAN 4 Palangka Raya, conducted from 9 to 23 June 2023. Data was collected through a questionnaire divided into two parts in form, namely problem-based learning and critical thinking skills about gender equality, with very good (4), good (3), pretty good (2), and not good (1) alternative answers. Data analysis techniques use Product Moment correlation in data collection to determine the relationship between two interval symptoms, such as values.</em></p> <p><em>The results of calculations on the research hypothesis that rxy (0.605) &gt; table (0.497) from a significant level of 5% conclude that there is a relationship between the Problem-Based Learning model and critical thinking skills about gender equality in class X students at SMA Negeri 4 Palangka Raya. This result shows that the Problem-Based Learning learning model is one factor that influences and plays a role in improving students' critical thinking skills about gender equality. So, it can be expected that this research will be useful for school principals and Catholic Religious Education teachers so that they continue to support and be able to use learning models that can create a comfortable and creative classroom atmosphere.</em></p> 2023-09-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik Upaya Orang Tua Mendampingi Anak- Anak Dalam Hal Berdoa Di Stasi ST. Yosef Ampari Bura Dalam 2023-09-12T16:00:52+07:00 Sigit Wibowo Silvester Adinuhgra Agnes Angi Dian Winei <p><em>This study depicts the efforts made by parents and the experiences of children in the process of teaching prayers at St. Joseph's Ampari Bura Dalam Chapel. Teaching prayers to children yields positive effects on their spiritual development. The primary focus of this study is the challenges faced by children in cultivating prayer skills. Parents play a pivotal role in ensuring the spiritual growth of children by guiding, educating, and encouraging them to pray, with the aim of establishing prayer habits and self-confidence. A qualitative approach and descriptive method are employed in this research. Data is collected through interviews with four parents and four children. The gathered information is analyzed using the "Milles and Hubberman" analysis method, encompassing data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing stages. The research findings indicate that parental efforts to teach prayers to children at St. Joseph's Ampari Bura Dalam Chapel have not yet achieved optimal results. Informants reveal various obstacles in the prayer process, primarily due to parents' busy work schedules that lead to limited time for gathering and effectively teaching prayer. Additionally, parents merely encourage and invite children to pray together or individually, without providing further guidance.</em></p> 2023-09-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik Profesionalitas Guru Pendidikan Agama Katolik Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Iman Siswa Di Kota Palangka Raya 2023-09-11T23:23:30+07:00 Apprilianti Arzulia Paulina Maria Ekasari Wahyuningrum Silvester Adinuhgra <p><em>This study aims to describe the professionalism of Catholic religious education teachers as a determining factor for the quality of the faith of students in the city of Palangka Raya. The quality of students' faith is considered important in the context of religious education, because it can shape the character and morals of students in depth. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive method, the data source of the research was taken from 7 teachers spread across various public elementary schools and public junior high schools in Palangka Raya. This research was conducted in July 2023 in the city of Palangka Raya. The data collection technique used interviews. Data analysis techniques used the theory of Miles and Huberman, which consisted of 3 stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.</em></p> <p><em>The results of this study describe the professional competence of Catholic religious education teachers in shaping the quality of students' faith by using strategies that are given not only through theory in class but teachers also have creativity in creating learning that is able to achieve learning goals. The hope derived from the results of this study can be concluded that it is expected to provide valuable information to Catholic educational institutions in Palangka Raya to improve the competence and quality of religious education and to support the spiritual development of students holistically.</em></p> 2023-09-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik Pendampingan Remaka Dengan Youth Learning Community Model Di Paroki Santo Gabriel Pulang Pisau 2023-09-12T21:02:00+07:00 Stefanus Stefanus Fransiskus Janu Hamu Agnes Angi Dian Winei <p><em>This study aims to offer a model of mentoring the youth learning community in the Santo Gabriel Pulang Pisau Parish. The model is called the Youth Learning Community in assisting youth at Santo Gabriel Pulang Pisau Parish, as a means of cultivating the development of youth faith. This study also describes previous assistance used for mentoring youth at the Santo Gabriel Pulang Pisau Parish. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The research data was obtained using interviews conducted with 4 youths, 1 Senior OMK, 1 Catechist and 1 Priest. The data obtained was analyzed with the benefit of the "Miles" analysis method which was divided into three stages, namely reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that the mentoring program through the pastoral program had not been implemented optimally. This conclusion was based on the statement of one informant who revealed that "the assistance has been running so far, but programmatically through the parish program has not run optimally. Therefore, this research offers a model for youth accompaniment as a pastoral strategy to foster youth faith development.</em></p> 2023-09-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik Pengembangan Bahan Ajar bagi SEKAMI Di Stasi Santo Paulus Luwuk Bunter Paroki Santo Joan Don Bosco Sampit 2023-09-12T21:57:16+07:00 Dini Nopita Sari Paulina Maria Ekasari Wahyuningrum Silvester Adinuhgra <p><em>This study aims to determine the feasibility of the developed teaching materials and to describe the results of trials of SEKAMI teaching materials for SEKAMI assistants and children at the Luwuk Bunter Station. This research is supported by the problems researchers experience when carrying out KKN at the station. The teaching materials used were less able to be followed by local facilitators and less attractive to SEKAMI children.</em></p> <p><em>This type of research is developmental research. The development of SEKAMI teaching materials uses the ADDIE development stage. The feasibility of teaching materials was assessed in 2 stages by two validators who worked as SEKAMI children's companions at St. Maria Palangkaraya. After the revision, trials were carried out on SEKAMI companions and children at the Luwuk Bunter Station.</em></p> 2023-09-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik Pastoral Keluarga Sebagai Upaya Membangun Keterlibatan Hidup Menggereja Umat Stasi Santo Matius Bentot 2023-09-12T22:33:08+07:00 Grasia Rosalina Silvester Adinuhgra Agnes Angi Dian Winei <p><em>This text discusses the results of research related to family pastoral activities aimed at building the involvement of the faithful in the life of the Saint Matthew community in Bentot village, within the Parish of Saint Michael Tamiang Layang under the Diocese of Palangka Raya. The research employed a qualitative descriptive approach. The study was conducted in Saint Matthew community, Bentot village, for a duration of 14 days during the month of June 2023. The research involved 11 participants, including one Sunday school student, three young Catholics, two pastoral workers or catechists, three parents, one community leader, and the parish priest. The collected data was analyzed using the Miles and Huberman method. The findings of the research indicate the limited involvement of the faithful in church life, various hindering factors, and the expectations of the faithful regarding the parish's program to enhance involvement, faith development, and family harmony. The community in Saint Matthew, Bentot village, hopes for additional specialized programs to nurture and develop faith and understanding through catechesis and retreats focusing on marriage and family themes.</em></p> 2023-09-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran PAK Di SMA Kota Palangka Raya 2023-09-12T23:36:16+07:00 Agnes Tri Ekatni Fransiskus Janu Hamu Agnes Angi Dian Winei <p><em>This research aims to describe the learning model used in the ongoing implementation of PAK. To demonstrate the roles of teachers and students in PAK learning using the project-based learning model. To implement the Project Based Learning model in the Catholic Religious Education subject at SMAN 1, 2, and 4 Palangka Raya. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive research with data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis follows Miles and Hubermans three stages: Data Reduction, Data Display, and Conclusion Drawing. The participants in this study are seven individuals, including four Catholic religion teachers and three Catholic students. The research was conducted in June and July at SMAN 1, 2, and 4 Palangka Raya, Palangka Raya City. This research concludes that Catholic Religious Education (PAK) teachers at SMAN 1, 2, and 4 Palangka Raya have implemented the project-based learning model, and the student informants have applied the PJBL model throughout their learning process at their respective schools. The collaboration between teachers and students in implementing the PJBL model fosters good communication and teamwork. These efforts help students develop a positive attitude toward their teachers and vice versa. Implementing the PJBL model provides a positive overview for students in Palangka Raya in the Catholic Religious Education subject, incorporating PJBL steps that aid critical thinking and nurture creativity. The attitude integrates technology, resulting in engaging materials such as graphic designs like posters, PPTs, and instructional videos.</em></p> 2023-09-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik Makna Hidup Kudus Menurut 1 Petrus 1:13-16 dan Aplikasinya Bagi Pemuda-Pemudi Kristen Masa Kini 2023-11-13T08:56:11+07:00 Riawan Riawan Abad Jaya Zega <p><em>There are actions of Christians who no longer live by maintaining holiness in their daily behavior, and the importance of living life as believers by maintaining holiness before God. This article aims to provide a correct understanding of the writings of the Apostle Peter regarding the importance of maintaining a life of holiness so that it can be significant in the lives of believers, especially for the next generation of the Church. This research uses qualitative methods, by analyzing various sources such as books, journals, articles related to the title to be discussed. The results of the analysis see that it is very important for believers to maintain holiness for God. Every believer, not only the simple people, is expected to live in holiness by avoiding all uncleanness for God. The contents of this article are intended to make readers aware of the importance of living a holy life. It is hoped that this research will be able to contribute to the ideas of every reader, especially Christians, so that they can maintain the holiness of their lives properly and fear God.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-09-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik Memahami Transformasi Kehidupan Rohani Para Suster Rubiah Pasionis-Malang Melalui Katekese Liturgis 2024-04-30T14:16:07+07:00 Y. Wilson Bei Lena Meo Hermanus Ndode Yosef Usman <p><em>This paper examines the transformation of the spiritual life of the Rubiah Pasionis-Malang sisters through the practice of liturgical catechesis, highlighting their contribution and role in the life of the Catholic church. A qualitative approach was used with a focus on spiritual experiences and daily changes influenced by liturgical catechesis. Data were collected through in-depth interview (April 25-28, 2024), highlighting the role of liturgical catechesis in shaping spiritual perceptions, values and actions. The purpose of this study was to deepen the understanding of the influence of liturgical catechesis on the transformation of the spiritual life of the Rubiah Pasionis and its relationship with their contemplative life in the Catholic church. The findings show that liturgical catechesis strengthens faith, deepens understanding of doctrine, and motivates engagement in spiritual practices. These findings are important in understanding the contribution of Rubiah Pasionis sisters in maintaining the spiritual life of the Catholic community they live in. This research also aims to explore the impact of liturgical catechesis on the transformation of Rubiah Pasionis' spiritual life, highlighting their vital role in the Catholic church. By highlighting the role of liturgical catechesis, this research provides insights into how Rubiahs enrich and deepen their spiritual experience in the church. By emphasizing a deep understanding of religious teachings, the Rubiahs are able to maintain their spiritual commitment in a simple and dedicated lifestyle. This gives a fuller picture of how liturgical catechesis not only affects the spiritual aspect, but also shapes daily behavior and attitudes towards life as a whole.</em></p> 2023-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sepakat : Jurnal Pastoral Kateketik